The annual athletic competition of Shri Guru Gobind Singh Government College, Paonta Sahib has started on Friday in the college playground. It was inaugurated by the chief guest, former MLA Kirnesh Jung with the flag hoisting. He also took the salute of the parade. Before this, the chief guest was welcomed on his arrival at the college. The former MLA said that sports have great importance in life.
Therefore, students should ensure their participation in this. Sports keep a person mentally and physically healthy. He said that all the players should play the game in the spirit of the game and work hard to bring glory to the college. He said that drugs are prevalent among the youth these days.
It is becoming more prevalent. Therefore everyone stayed away from drugs. He also asked parents and teachers to send their children towards sports. This will focus their attention towards the game. Principal of the college, Dr. Vibhav Kumar Shukla said that male and female students participated in the competition. He also congratulated Prof. Dr. Zafar Ali, Assistant Professor in Physical Education and Organizing Secretary Of the Meet.
In the competition in 1500 meters, Sumeet stood first, Arjun second and Balwinder third in the student category.
Stay in place. Whereas in the girl category, Kritika Sharma stood first, Shyama stood second and Nikita stood third. Apart from this, various competitions were organized. On this occasion, Pradeep Chauhan, PTA President Shyam Lal Shama, Sharma, Youth Congress President Mohbat Ali, Sujata, apart from college students Ritu Pant, Jagdish Chauhan, Deepa Chauhan and Pankaj Yadav etc. were present.